The best writing in the world, period. Period.
August 20, 2002
volume i, issue i
intelligent critique
consumption by piliko
review by jubei blue

Many readers have read this. A few have even had thoughts. Some might think that this is about repressed homosexuality, others may think of our society and its consumer driven economy, or that this is really about nothing, and still others will think it is perhaps about mother's garden. While each of these concepts are valid, and near worthy of discussion, they are in fact wrong. I will tell you what this is about. I will tell piliko what this is about.

This is about life. There are several distinct mini-poems inside of this larger poem. Each of these mini-poems represents a stage of life. For those of you who are not yet ready to see this without further guidance read on.

The first stage of life that this poem talks about is early childhood. It is not about being in the womb. There is nothing poetic about being in the womb, so piliko did not talk about it. I know this, do not ask him, he will not know, or he will lie. One can see the very self-centered attitude in the first several lines. Look at all the actions that took place:

i devoured the earth
i built a city
i took their homes
and made them windowless
put the sun on hiatus
and took a roadtrip to the edge of the sea

The power that this person has is of godlike proportions. There was no adult like consideration of other peoples needs. No worries about other peoples wants. In fact, twice in this part of the poem the speaker is in contact with another person. The first time the speaker calls that person a:

dirty rotten tb bastard

The other time, the other speakers are dismissed as unimportant. This attitude represents the self-centered imperialistic feelings that we humans carry around as children. The speaker here is childlike in his godlike movements.

The next scene starts with the rock bands. There is a subtle change in the voice. It becomes less individual, more group interested. It is still godlike in its speech and manner. This is teenager, young adult like. College kids, listening to Neil Young or Rage Against the Machine. Still delusional in thinking they are gods and can make a difference in the world. Listen as he wails about untapped resources, the controlling forces (like I'll listen to you and your leftist rants / sit down stand up shut up) and the closing:

because we know...
yes we know
we are gods
that control the fates
of all

Listen to that "we" as it strikes hard against the previous "I" but still resonates with godlike passion.

As our speaker gains age, begins to doubt his powers. Begins to doubt his causes. Begins to see what is...

there is nothing sharp enough to cut our strings
force fed diplomatics
robotically controlled architectural digests
formed granite walls
crass distinctions
breathe in
breathe out

The weight of the realization of having no real power is near overwhelming. Our hero, our uberman, our near god has reached a near breaking point here. He is of age, adult, and no longer naive to the horrors of the world.

we all have assininements

Let that simmer on your brain like piliko intended. Two breaks, two pauses. We all have our lots, we all have our places, we all have our parts, we all have our assininements.

The end is one of defeat, acceptance, of a dying rage and quite peaceful mourning:

the downfall of humanity
breathes within us all
and i'm okay with that
aren't you?
ride the apocalypse
out with dignity
the truth hurts
but you'll be okay
we'll all be okay

The truth hurts. The truth is our speaker is no god. You are no god. We are no gods. And this world turns and moves with or without us. Changes!?! HA! I don't think so. Change comes when it comes, not by you or me.

we all have assininements.

about This
> zero
2nd bests